Proffesional Cleaning Machine For Farm Silos
Western Technology as the official distributor for Vietnam of YourSiloEngineer company offers its customers the most advanced system for the interior cleaning of farm silos.
Product Overview:
Western Technology as the official distributor for Vietnam of YourSiloEngineer company offers its customers the most advanced system for the interior cleaning of farm silos.
YOURSILOCLEANING offers an innovative automated system for cleaning, disinfecting, sanitising and washing your feed and cereal silos.
Cleaning of farm silos far storage of feed and other bulk materials (plastics, pellets, cereals, liquid feed, fertilizers, …).
Over time, and due to climatic influences and the characteristics of the feed itself, deposits will form on the walls and hoppers inside the silo.
- Precise cleaning of the silo interior
- Restoration of silo higiene
- Recovery of lost silo capacity
- Possibility to use additives (cleaning foam and disinfectants)
- No scaffolding required
- No physical entry into the silo required
- High degree of occupational safety
- Reduced corrosion and wear of tbe silos, increased service life
- Uncovers possible points requiring silo maintenance

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